[Tokyo Food Technology Week 2021] Mochi granium rice grain - Corpus Co., Ltd.

Corpus Co., Ltd. is exhibited Mochi granium rice grain at Tokyo Food Technology Week 2021.


I will introduce barley.
In the form of, we have introduced
There are three benefits to use barley and fried rice.
The first is the sense of parapara.
The second amount reduces the amount of oil and brings the material.
The third is accented with the texture.
It will be the merit of fried rice with barley.
We introduce two items mainly,
The first is a product called rice grain,
As a name, it was a product that processed barley into the shape of rice grain,
It features a sense of parapara.
Basic, general royal road Paraparathanhan
It is a product that matches very well.
The second is the product called Mochi,
Because it will be a little grain compared to rice grain barley
As the name is characterized by the texture of Mochi Mochi Petit Petit,
This is already an accent of the fried rice as an ingredient.
We introduce two products this time.