[메디텍 재팬 2023] 웨이퍼 전용 UV 조사기(Fks-300w LED) - 주식회사 후쿠시마

Fukushima Corporation’s latest product, the wafer dedicated UV irradiation machine (Fks-300w LED), was showcased at the Meditec Japan 2023 exhibition. This machine is used during the manufacturing of silicon wafers for semiconductors. It comes with a tape that can be attached to a ring-shaped object, allowing for the simultaneous cutting and irradiation of both sides. Additionally, the machine uses LEDs, which ensure a longer lifespan and shorter work time. By reducing the stress on workers and increasing productivity by over 40%, this affordable product is sure to make an impact in the industry. Fukushima Corporation encourages everyone to try using their latest machine.Generated by OpenAI
